
Friday Reading: Part 16

Don't worry, I did't mix up the date.  I'm going to swap Friday's post for the one I had scheduled for tonight, since this answers a question that many of you have about the new Facebook anniversary videos.

Have you seen these new super-sappy Facebook videos?  They're basically the smartest commercials for FB that I've ever seen and I can't tell whether the photos and posts are chosen by people or whether the folks at FB just used a very smart algorithm.  I hate to admit it, but I totally love them and have found myself watching the videos posted by all my friends!  What do you think?  Are they amazing or a little creepy?  Here's mine:

And here's Corey's video:

And here's a great link if you're interested in downloading yours to keep.  Just play the video in Facebook and then click "options" then "get link" to copy the link.  Paste the url into the field in the website I mentioned and click the download button.  Save it as an MP4.  Easy, right?  Just don't tell Zuckerberg I showed you how. ;)

Have you seen these stunning photographs?

An interesting look at Wall Street.

Surprising but smart!

I'm not sure if this has been fact checked, but it certainly offers a new perspective on global financial problems.

Gorgeous white ink tattoos.

Do you find it more challenging to make friends as an adult?  You're not alone.

Made me cry.

Take a minute to read about an amazing teacher.

My wedding shoes.

Have a wonderful weekend!  I hope you're doing something fun/exciting/productive/relaxing!  Do tell!
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