
Friday Reading: Part 12

This week has felt so short with Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday.  We both have work to do on the weekend but we're looking forward to seeing friends in the evenings.  If it doesn't rain, we may begin decorating for Halloween... Which, we've been looking forward to for ages!  We may also try one of these great fall drives from the Ontario Tourism website.  Do you have any exciting plans?

Here are some interesting links I've been collecting to share with you:

Do you have trouble remembering names like I do?  I'm going to try this technique.

This trailer is sad but important to watch.

This ballet on the 57th floor of Four World Trade Center is beautiful and haunting.

A little kitschy, but sort of brilliant.

This is one of the sweetest videos I have seen lately.

Have you seen this hilarious impression?  I went to school with this talented guy!

I'm bookmarking these Infographics to get you through life!

A cool way to visualize really large numbers.

If you haven't seen these hilarious Conversation With My 2 Year Old videos yet, you need to see them all!

Did any of you follow the whole Sinead vs Miley drama that was all over the internet a couple of weeks ago?  Here's the original open letter from Sinead.  There are a few sides to this story.  While the advice seemed sound, it was also pretty presumptuous.  Miley responded with some pretty mean tweets.  While most people rushed to Sinead's side, some felt that her advice was pretty condescending.  This week, Gloria Steinem weighed in with an opinion that pretty much sums up my own thoughts.  What do you think about all this?

I think many of these teaching ideas are very smart.  I love the idea of giving a child a toy and letting them decide how to play with it.

I've been trying to convince my mom to join Facebook.  Some of these other Baby Boomer Facebookers are hilarious!

Have a great weekend!
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