
Camping Crowns

I was cuddling in bed with Rudy the other day when she started talking about camping. It makes my heart happy to know that the girls have such a love of camping and the outdoors. A few times a day, Rudy will turn to Maude and tell her that we're going camping soon and then they both giggle with delight!

The other night though, Rudy had a special request: She wanted a camping crown! How cute is that? If only I knew what a camping crown was. Luckily, I guessed correctly that Rudy had no specific vision either so I decided that instead of a crown made of sticks and moss (which is what I'd imagine a camping crown to be) I'd just make her a basic crown in a durable and washable fabric that can take a beating on our camping trips.

This week, I've had a lot of real estate videos, webinars and podcasts to catch up on once the girls are in bed, so I prepped the perfect background activity. I headed to the fabric store and bought tiny quantities (20 cm) of the following: a blue outdoor fabric with some stiffness, a floral pre-washed cotton, a stiff sheet of fabric to give the crown shape and a piece of elastic ribbon for the back. I also added some embroidery floss to embroider the front, but this part isn't necessary.

This isn't a DIY post but more of an idea I wanted to share. There are so many free online templates and you can use any of them. I just traced a crown that the girls already wear onto the stiff fabric and then used that as a template for the blue fabric and the floral fabric.. Instead of sewing the sides of the crown together to create a circle, I connected them with an inch or so of elastic to ensure an adjustable fit.

Unfortunately, the finished product was such a hit that I had to run back out to make one for Maude. I should have known. #MomFail 

Luckily, this was a super quick project and Rudy was thrilled with her camping crown and insists on wearing it all the time! I hope they keep these for years to come and they're sturdy enough to pass down once they're finished with them. 


The Challenge

A few weeks ago, I fell in love with a set of reimagined mid-century night tables. Okay, that sounds a bit dramatic but it was definitely like at first sight. I loved them and I was tired of not having drawers to help contain the mess of kleenex, creams, hair elastics and other important junk that is inevitable when you have kids. On the other hand, they were not something we had budgeted for or needed and we already had adequate night tables. They were lovely but frivolous.

The Challenge: Corey agreed that I could get them if I could sell enough things we weren't using to offset the price. I had 24 hours... not for any real reason but because I like a challenge.

We had so many staging items that were no longer getting use so we started there. I was just short of my 24 hour deadline but by the end of the week, we had sold enough things between Facebook Marketplace and my alternate Instagram Account (dedicated to my love of good vintage finds) to buy the night tables... three times. We had also freed up some prime real estate in our staging warehouse and our house was slightly less cluttered. Yay!

And we are LOVING our new night tables by Jenn Cann Designs. They're actually vintage but they're new to us and Jenn detailed them beautifully with new hardware and cute fabric lining the drawers.

Serious furniture crush, right? Me too!

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