How did you feel after your wedding? Many friends have said they feel euphoric and blissfully in love while others have said that it was a little anticlimactic or even that they were a bit blue afterwards. For me, I had been so tense about it that I felt a wave of relief once it was over.
During our honeymoon, Corey and I barely discussed our wedding (I could barely remember it) and were more focused on the fact that we had learned Singleton was a girl. (Note- We now call her Bruiser because she kicks and pummels my insides non-stop!) The wedding itself had been more of a chore for me to plan while pregnant and busy at work, and I remember being worried in the days leading up to it that I wouldn't enjoy myself.
It's not until a month later that I can look at the photos and actually smile and remember things. Looking back, I am actually really happy with our wedding. I love the pictures and I was so happy with how most of our diys and ideas turned out.
Did the wedding bring us closer? After eight years together and many years living together, I don't think being married has changed our relationship much. However, having the wedding behind us and knowing what's ahead of us has certainly brought us closer.
I don't remember much about our wedding day (Especially all the little things I freaked out or obsessed over.) but I have a vivid memory of walking to meet Corey and the dogs so that we could walk down the aisle as a family. Seeing him looking so happy and handsome made me want to stop and just give him a kiss.
It was unplanned but looking back, it feels like such a special moment for our little family. It's one of the moments I'll always remember best from our wedding day. That and finding out Singleton's gender and perhaps stopping for iced coffee on the way to the ceremony so that I could cool off after photos and elevate my swollen feet in the car while Corey gave me a foot rub. Our wedding was nothing if not real. ;)
How did you feel after your wedding? What do you remember best?