It's been a whirlwind but we've taken possession of our new home! We haven't moved yet but our packing is well underway and we've been visiting ouvr new house daily to take measurements and make some early design decisions.
We've already encountered a few hiccups with our renovation plans (which should always be expected) and we're rolling with the punches so far. I'll outline some of these hiccups in separate posts but I always remind my clients to budget more than they think they'll need for updates and we're seeing the truth behind that advice firsthand. Even so, the buzz of excitement is still very much alive and I'm excited to share some of the first photos of our new home. These will serve as the "before" shots as we begin to update the house. For now, I'm leaving out the bathrooms and basement, although I'll get to those.
I'll start with the floor plans for those of you who like something to reference when I mention our plans.
The main floor has two entrances: One off our driveway that leads to the hallway beside the kitchen and a second entrance (which is a more traditional entrance), which allows you to turn left into the living room or right into the 4th bedroom, which will serve as my home office. This is the second entrance.
You'll have to excuse the photos, not only am I not a professional photographer but I snapped these on the day we took possession. The former owner was still in the process of moving out and his dog was running around. :)
Here's the living room. We love all the light in this room, as well as the ceiling beams and the wood-burning fireplace.
I'll mention again: The cute white dog in the photos is NOT OURS... In case any of your were thinking we'd adopted another pet and worried about our sanity.
The "view" from the dining room, looking into the living room.
Back in the living room. This one was taken last night when we brought Rudy for a visit.
The kitchen is small and I can't wait to renovate it but it's not going to happen in the near future so we're going to live with it for now and get creative with storage.
Across the hall from the kitchen is (what will be) our family room. On the floor plans, it's labelled as a sitting room and servery. In the past, it was a part of a home denture clinic that the previous owner ran for years. I think a lot of buyers had trouble making sense of the choppy floor plan and figuring out what to do with these rooms but we immediately loved the idea of getting another main floor family room, which we had expected to need to sacrifice when we moved. Once the wall and sinks are removed, we'll have a great space for play and TV!
Upstairs, we'll be taking the 3rd room and giving Rudy the 2nd bedroom. Our new bedroom is large enough for a kind size bed! I may be more excited for more sleeping space than anything else in the house.
Rudy's room (the second bedroom) is a mirror image of our bedroom. It's going to look lovely when it's finished.
The room currently labelled as the "master" will serve as our 3rd bedroom for now. Eventually, we'd like to extend the top floor to make the room larger so that we could actually use it as our own room but currently, the sloped ceilings would make this room less functional for two adults.
Well, there it is. There's a lot to do but we'll start working on the house little by little. Before long, it will feel like home!